A Non Compromise Gospel...

James 4:17
So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin.

Our Core Values

Centrality of the ScripturesA non-negotiable, high view of the Bible – entails proper interpretation and exegesis, right doctrine and theology, we believe that orthodoxy produces orthopraxy - The Word of Truth as the Source: all things we do flow out from it, not only pure or sincere motive but right or true motive, true love, peace faith hope judgment, - The Word of Truth as the Foundation: all things are built upon it; strive to be biblical above all, rightly dividing the Word of truth exhausting its most plausible meaning Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth. – 2 Timothy 2: 15 - Final arbiter, do not compromise, submission to one another in the truth, coordination, collaboration - believers on a mission working together in the accomplishment of the vision - Worship in spirit and in truth, unity in the truth, maturity in the truth, ministry in the truth

Doing all things for the Glory of God (Worship)Our motive is to do all things according to God’s will and for His glory, that is to worship Him in spirit and in truth. We believe that worship is a response to the revelation of Himself to us and His salvation.

Ministry of love and gracewe have been ministered unto by God through His eternal love and undeserved favor which is by His grace, we minister back to Him through worship and prayer, minister graciously to the church by His Word, and to the outside world. - Servanthood We love Him but He first loved us, we learn from Him how to love God above all and to love ourselves and others - Obedience to the Greatest Commandment (transformed to transform)

Local Church assimilation – we believe that every true believer must be grafted into a local church (commitment in membership), to be nurtured, grow in the context of the body, for belongingness, fellowship, body ministry and for service to others outside the church

Discipleshipwe endeavour to maximize the effectivity and efficiency of the church by making more Christ-like disciples grounded in the Word, matured and fully equipped for ministry

Local and international Missions and Evangelismwe believe that the Great Commission is not merely an option but a command by the Lord for the church to accomplish or support until He comes again and be found faithful unto it.

Corporate and individual Prayerwe know that prayer sustains the church, it is our lifeline, conduit of power, guidance and makes us awake and aware on what God is trying to accomplish through the church